To start the new year, Stratosphere Networks, a multifaceted IT managed service provider, launched a new feature on its website. The new IT Support Cost Calculator was created to give businesses a better understanding of IT costs.
Based on the number of users and servers, the age of the equipment they have, the user sophistication and the complexity of the system, the calculations will determine the number of IT support staff they would need and approximately what that would cost their company. In an easy slider format, the calculator is meant to be as simplified as possible while still giving accurate and valuable information.
Side-by-side with the calculated cost for an IT staff is the calculated cost of Stratosphere Networks' IT support staff. While the latter costs vary based on the information plugged in, the Stratosphere Network estimates are consistently less money. By showing these estimates together, Stratosphere Networks is hoping to help educate companies on an easy money-saving tool, especially in the current economy.
In a recent study, CompTIA stated that "based on the average annual salary of an in-house IT professional, using a managed service provider can save nearly 80% of yearly IT costs." In addition to the salary, outsourcing IT support can also provide savings on health insurance and 401k. Furthermore, with an outsourced IT support, sick days, vacation days and holidays are of no issue.
Not only is Stratosphere Networks a good choice for a business' budget, but the service it provides is an advantage in itself. Stratosphere Networks' 24/7 on-demand, on-site and remotely enabled IT staff can provide businesses with the IT support to stay competitive and maintain its productivity, flow and efficiency. Stratosphere Networks can provide design/implementation, content filtering, security, project work, professional services, IT consulting and more for less than 50% of what a full-time IT staff would cost.
The IT Support calculator can be found at