Insurance agencies need dependable communication systems to run its business for both its employees and their clients. Stratosphere Network offers full managed services and solutions for businesses such as these. They offer a flat rate IT monitoring which has helped some companies cut costs by more than 46%.
The data and information that insurance companies have is very precious and needs to be secure. It is also the livelihood on which their business runs. Should a disaster strike, it is imminent that there is some type of back-up to keep all of the necessary records. Stratosphere also offers back up and disaster recovery on both hosted and on-site networks. Data can still be accessed during a storage, power or network failure. There is minimal or downtime, as all systems will be active immediately. A business will not have to fear losing thousands of dollars due to a computer systems failure.
Companies also need pro-active monitoring to keep viruses and spam in check. Insurance companies hold private data from their clients and it needs to be kept safe. By taking advantage of the email/spam monitoring, it will be protected. Members of the company will receive the emails that they need and want and it will filter out any incoming viruses that could possibly attack the system. It is consistently being monitored 24/7, so a company can go about its business worry-free.
These type of services are important to not only insurance companies-but all types. Security is a top priority for most businesses-as well as the ability to back up important data. Without these two services, it could cause a company to crash instantly.