Implementing new technology quickly and effectively can be a challenge. A 2013 survey by MIT Sloan Management Review and Capgemini Consulting found that 63% of executives and managers across a range of industries felt their organization’s pace of technology change was too slow. One major obstacle to the successful and timely launch of new tech is end user adoption. If your end users don’t comprehend and adapt to the new software or tools, your IT project is sure to be a flop.
Luckily, there are plenty of steps your organization can take to ensure users understand new tech and adopt it successfully. Here are 10 factors to keep in mind when your business introduces new tools and solutions.
1. Executive sponsorship. Get your organization’s leadership on board and enlist them in end user adoption efforts. Executives can get employees’ attention and raise awareness about new tools and procedures.
2. Help desk preparation. Before you launch new tech, it’s crucial to give your help desk a heads up so that they can prepare ahead of time for the influx of questions. If your help desk isn’t in the loop and ready to tackle user issues, the adoption process could end up going slower and less smoothly than you’d like.
3. Intranet promotion. Make use of your company’s intranet to raise awareness and promote new tools to end users. It’s a great way to make sure no one misses the news.
4. Informational events. Holding events and seminars (e.g., a lunch and learn) can be a useful way to convey important information about the new solution to your employees. These events can feature live demos and give end users the chance to get expert answers to any questions they have.
5. Visual reminders. If you want to make sure everyone knows about the new tech, putting up posters and digital signage to promote your implementation efforts will help ensure they can’t miss it.
6. Email/newsletters. Sending out an email or email newsletter with company news is one way to get the word out about the implementation of new tools and distribute information on how to use them.
7. Change managers. For larger companies, it can be difficult to ensure everyone is on board and up to speed with the latest software and solutions. Identifying a change manager/champion for each department is a great way to divide up the work and achieve successful adoption of new tech.
8. IT and marketing collaboration. Get your IT and marketing departments working together to promote new technology throughout your organization.
9. Surveys to gauge success. You won’t know how effective your implementation efforts are without a method of measurement. Conducting surveys is a useful way to assess how the end user adoption process is progressing.
10. Assistance from a managed service provider. An IT managed service provider can make implementing new technology and other IT projects easier for your organization by providing easy-to-use tech, end user training, customized user resource guides, guidance throughout the process, post-deployment on-site training, and more.
With the right preparation and resources, your organization can ensure the end user adoption process goes as smoothly as possible when implementing new tech. If you’d like to learn more, our expert team can help. Contact us today by calling 877-599-3999 or emailing