Last month, the supply chain company Asus revealed hackers had broken into their servers and malicious code had been pushed out to its customers as part of a supposedly safe routine software update. Kaspersky Labs, who detected the attack, estimated … Read more
How Virtual Desktop as a Service Could Give Your Business a Boost
In the old days, you had to be in the office and at your desk to do your job properly. However, thanks to new technologies like smartphones and the cloud, it’s become possible to get your work done from any … Read more
Tech Talks: Chicago-Based S-NET Offers Top-Notch Cloud Solutions
In order to serve as a trusted advisor to our clients, we need to stay up to speed with the latest IT trends and solutions. To achieve that, our team of IT experts attends weekly training sessions conducted by various … Read more
How Serious is the Cybersecurity Talent Shortage?
Across all industries worldwide, cybersecurity has become a top priority. Hackers keep pumping out new types of malware, and data breaches keep occurring. As of April 8, there were already 281 breaches exposing nearly 6 million records in 2019 so … Read more
Tech Talks: 8×8 Delivers Secure Cloud Communication Solutions
In order to serve as a trusted advisor to our clients, we need to stay up to speed with the latest IT trends and solutions. To achieve that, our team of IT experts attends weekly training sessions conducted by various … Read more