Will a real-time threat feed limit damage from cyber crimes
Cyber crimes happen everyday, and everyday IT security companies track and record details around these attacks. Microsoft is upping its game and releasing a real-time threat feed so that its fellow partners can study current threats it finds and learn … Read more
The Segway: Turns 10 and still kicking
The name Segway is synonymous with tech failure. After all, inventor Dean Kamen once believed that his two-wheeled scooters would become a substitute for cars. He pictured a future where people buzzed to the supermarket, library, or work on their … Read more
Online Tools to Help You Manage Projects
The chances are good that you, as a small business owner, are juggling numerous projects at once, and the chances are equally high in this era of virtual workers that many freelancers and consultants dispersed throughout the country are working … Read more