6 Common Tactics Hackers Use and How to Thwart Them
As the Internet gets faster and better, there are benefits and drawbacks that come with the advances. One downside to global connectivity is the rise of hackers, the digital assailants who can compromise an entire system with dangerous code. Hackers … Read more
Spear Phishing: What it is and How to Handle it
The Internet is rife with an assortment of threats. Since the early days of spam and adware, malicious programs have been looking for ways to brick your system. Viruses, executables, and most recently phishing scams now form a network of … Read more
5 Advantages of Using Microsoft Office 365
If ever you had to type up a school report, make a spreadsheet, or create a business related document, chances are it was done with Microsoft Office. The software suite has been around for years, using multiple programs to create … Read more
What to Look for in a Cloud Provider
Cloud computing has become immensely popular among businesses looking to gain a competitive edge. The benefits of working with a third party are plentiful and often have the potential to revitalize marketing, IT, and the entire professional environment. So, if … Read more
The Industrial Internet: What it is and How it Works
The Internet has certainly changed a lot since the early, noisy dial-up days. Today, people and professional organizations alike rely on it for everything from simple messaging to carrying out complex operations. Connectivity is greatly emphasized as well: It’s not … Read more