Author Archives: Kevin Rubin

Bots creating bait: What AI-generated phishing emails mean for cybersecurity

Imagine receiving an email from your boss that seems a little off. Maybe he’s requesting a password or financial information he should be able to access without your help. You remember your security awareness training on how to spot phishing … Read more >

Choosing the best contact center AI solutions: Overlay options vs. native CCaaS capabilities

Generative and conversational artificial intelligence have already begun revolutionizing various aspects of our daily lives. That’s particularly true for customer service agents in call and contact centers. By 2026, Gartner expects conversational AI deployments in contact centers to lower agent … Read more >

Unsupervised vs. supervised machine learning: What business leaders should know

Just as human employees can perform tasks with varying degrees of guidance and oversight, machines can learn with or without supervision. However, in the realm of artificial intelligence, the terms supervised and unsupervised don’t connotate whether a bot’s boss is … Read more >

Why network visibility matters and how to improve it

Ignorance is bliss. What you don’t know can’t hurt you. These sayings might make sense in some scenarios, but not if you’re talking about your company’s IT network. Activity you aren’t aware of can absolutely harm your business, meaning a … Read more >

AI vs. machine learning: What’s the difference?

When Michelangelo was in his 80s and working on St. Peter’s Basilica, he reportedly remarked, “Ancora Imparo,” or “I am still learning,” according to a blog entry by Pat Ginn, a member of the Lifelong Learning Institute at Washington University … Read more >

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